Grievance Redressal

Internal mechanism to handle Customer complaints/ grievances as per the Bank’s ‘Grievance Redressal Policy’ –
In order to make the Bank’s redressal mechanism more meaningful and effective, a structured system has been put in place.
Customers can contact the bank officials of the respective department (verbally or in writing) or speak to their Relationship Manager (RM) for resolution of their issues, explaining the details of the issue concerned.
Customers can also register their grievances by submitting a duly filed in ‘Complaint Form’
Alternately, customers can also write to the Bank at Qatar National Bank (Q.P.S.C.) G-14, Ground Floor, 4 North Avenue, Maker Maxity, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai-400051
Every complaint received shall be acknowledged and an acknowledgement shall be given to the customer immediately at the time of noting the complaint. All efforts will be made by the concerned Bank officials to sort out the matter.

Resolution of Grievances

Level 1 

The resolution of the complaint may vary depending upon the nature of the complaint and to the satisfaction of the customer. All efforts will be made by the bank to resolve/address the complaint within 30 days after receiving the complaint in writing. 

Level 2 

If the customer is not satisfied with the response  at level 1 , then the customer can escalate his complaint in writing to the Head of Compliance or  Chief Executive Officer of Qatar National Bank, India. All attempts will be made to resolve / address the complaint within 30  working days     after receiving a complaint in writing. 

Level 3 

If the customer is still not satisfied, then he may write to the Banking Ombudsman, a statutory body appointed by the Reserve Bank of India under  The Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021 to look into the provision of satisfactory service by banks.  

Complaint to Banking Ombudsman can be done as follows:

1) The complaint may be lodged online through the portal designed for the purpose  (https://cms.rbi.org.in).

2) The complaint may also be submitted through electronic or physical mode to the Centralised Receipt and Processing Centre as notified by the Reserve Bank. The complaint, if submitted in physical form, shall be duly signed by the complainant or by the authorised representative. The complaint shall be submitted in electronic or physical mode in such format and containing such information as may be specified by Reserve Bank.

3) The complaint can be done to Banking Ombudsman situated at

Consumer Education and Protection Cell
Reserve Bank of India
Main Building
Mumbai Regional Office, Fort,
Mumbai – 400 001.

Centralised Receipt and Processing Center (CRPC)
Reserve Bank of India
Central Visa, Sector 17,
Chandigarh – 160017
Email : crpc@rbi.org.in

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